Thursday, September 27, 2007

Dove Campaign for Real Beauty

Hi Everyone

Today on Oprah the show featured the winners of the Dove campaign promoting their latest hair and body products called 'pro age'. The campaign features 5 American women all above their 50s all mature women posing in their natural state. The women embraced their age, their skin their bodies and loved doing the campaign to celebrate all of those things. The Dove campaign Pro Age challenges the traditional stereotype that only the young can be beautiful by creating attitudinal change about ageing. Instead of negative and fear driven perceptions, the Dove campaign want women to feel positive and hope driven (sourced from the links below). The Dove campaign celebrates pro age and not anti age. Only this week the winner of the Australian Dove campaign was announced and 'Carolyn Oates' who is 63 years old was the winner (see image above). Carolyn will feature on the next issue of the Womens Weekly magazine. After watching the Dove 'you tube clip' on Beck P's blog (powell psychology) I thought I would share this great story about real women with real faces and bodies. Here are the links to view the commercial in America and the story on Carolyn.

American Dove Campaign commerical

1 comment:

Mrs. Freud said...

Hi Michelle,

what a fabulous ad!! Im amazed at how many young girls (my friends no less) state that they would get botox, plastic surgery, face lifts etc to stay younger longer, but to me there is nothing more beautiful than ageing naturally and gracefully (and nothing worse than mutton trying to be lamb :P)Olivia Newton John (before she had work :P) was one of the most beautiful women in the media. Both of my grandmothers are gorgeous and have never had any of that work done. I even think ageing makes men look more distinguished! We should embrace every phase of life, and appreciate our bodies as they are naturally as God made them! Its great that Dove is promoting such an attitude.